We are less than a month away from Easter Sunday, and about halfway through the Lenten season. This is a time of year that we are invited to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus Christ and who we are called to be. At the beginning of the calendar year, you were invited to consider how you might participate in this portion of the Body of Christ. As we move towards Holy Week and the joy of the empty tomb, please reconsider these congregational practices for 2018 as a member of the Presbyterian Church at Woodbury:

  • Make the weekly worship service a major priority in my life
  • Participate in Sunday School or Small Group Bible Study
  • Find a way to share my gifts through service as part of the church community
  • Support and pray for one another as we seek to cultivate a rhythm of spiritual practices that creates space for God’s activity in our
  • Speak the truth with love and grace.
  • Practice conflict transformation along the lines of Mathew 5:23-24 and Matthew 18:15-20.
  • Unplug from technology when we are together

I look forward to worshipping with you during this sacred season, please join your church family for Holy Week services:
Holy Week Services

In Christ,