Choosing music for worship can be a daunting task. There are many thing to consider. There are many aids which can help in this decision process. The Liturgical Year, Lectionary and Sermon Topics provide a framework, but I believe that it is important to also consider the current needs and concerns of our congregation.
Every church is different. Considering all the available demographics both cultural and age related, you can begin to get a picture of an individual congregation. I have the fortunate and wonderful
situation of having my entire family in our church. We are all involved in many different aspects. This allows me to have a clearer picture of our membership. Additionally I am serving in my 34th
year as Minister of Music. I have watched members grow up and become leaders. I know the families and have struggled with the many issues we all have encountered over the past decades. Therefore when choosing a hymn for worship, I attempt to allow all of this to assist me in the selection.
Music touches us in many ways. Corporate singing has many benefits that are indescribable. When singing a hymn, we are all breathing together. This alone connects us in a way which is truly dramatic. I believe in the power of singing to express the many feelings that we have difficulty expressing. When combined with a love of God and the common purpose of achieving good, we can, in small ways, change the world.
As always I encourage each of you to participate in the music of the church. Your voice is beautiful to God’s ear and the depth of feeling that you will experience will be something that I promise you will not regret.
As the great hymn so beautifully expresses:
My life flows on in endless song,
above earth’s lamentation.
I hear the clear, though far off hymn
that hails a new creation.
No storm can shake my in most calm
while to that Rock I’m clinging.
Since Christ is Lord of Heaven and Earth,
how can I keep from singing!
The love of Christ be with you all.
Jack Hill
Minister of Music