
Session 2022 @ 16x9

The Session is the collective body of those in the congregation elected as Elders. Each Elder serves a 3-year term and may serve 6 consecutive years. The Session meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM to conduct the business of the church. Virtually every decision in the church on a policy level has to be approved by Session. Within the Session are a number of Standing Committees: Personnel, Investment Strategy, and Nominating. They are chaired by Elders but may include non-Elders as well. Elders also chair the various Task Forces: Christian Education, Worship and Spiritual Life, Outreach and Membership, Mission and Interpretation, Stewardship, and Youth. While there are at least 2 Elders on each Task Force, the balance of each Task Force is made up of members of the church. The Session interviews the members of the Youth Confirmation Class as well as anyone wishing to join our church. The Pastor serves as the moderator of Session. A Clerk of Session is elected each year to conduct the clerical duties of the Board.

For questions and information about the Session, e-mail [email protected] or click here to contact the Clerk of Session.

YouthLori Wadding
Christian Education and WorshipEric Campo
StewardshipScott Kintzing
Membership and MissionWendy Kunz and Donna Gabler
PersonnelEric Campo