November is here!!  Halloween and All Saints Day is behind us, and we are moving towards Advent!!  I am hopeful as we count down days until the end of the liturgical year with Christ the King Sunday on November 20th. 

According to the “Companion to the Book of Common Worship,” Christ the King Sunday ends our marking of Ordinary Time after the Day of Pentecost, and moves us to the threshold of Advent, the season of hope for Christ’s coming again at the end of time.

The day centers on the crucified and risen Christ, whom God exalted to rule over the whole universe. The celebration of the lordship of Christ thus looks back to Ascension, Easter, and Transfiguration, and points ahead to the appearing in glory of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ reigns supreme. Christ’s truth judges falsehood. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ is the center of the universe, the ruler of all history, the judge of all people. In Christ all things began, and in Christ all things will be fulfilled. In the end, Christ will triumph over the forces of evil.

I think we need to be reminded of this good news:  The Lordship of Jesus!  Christ will triumph over the forces of evil.  We deal with lots of difficult situations and circumstances as followers of Jesus, but I believe that we need to keep our focus upon the Lordship of Jesus!  Political leaders, come and go – Jesus is still Lord!  Storms, come and go – Jesus is still Lord!  Sports teams’ victories, come and go – Jesus is still Lord!  Friends, come and go – Jesus is still Lord!  Christ is King! Christ is with us!

Christians across time have proclaimed this truth and I invite us to consider joining our voices with the great cloud of witnesses to also proclaim that Jesus is Lord!  May we share this Good News and live out this reality as followers of the one true King!!

In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Philip W. Oehler, Sr.