There is no doubt that many of us are suffering from what I call POS (Pandemic Overload Syndrome). Too much has already been written and said about the subject. However, as the body of Christ, we have our own unique situation which I believe needs some thought.

We have been fortunate to have a group of talented young singers who have been faithful throughout the year providing us with first-rate worship music each Sunday. The incorporation of our online service has been a wonderful addition and provided many during the past months the opportunity to experience our service.

As a worship leader, I want to say that it is time that we get back to normal. The online option was never meant to be a permanent alternative to communal worship. Certainly, for those who cannot attend for health reasons and for those who are away, we will continue to provide this option. But the rest of us need to understand that it is not a true substitute to worshipping together. Worship was never meant to be about convenience. Corporate worship is how we grow and revitalize our faith. Publicly proclaiming our belief is an integral part of being a Christian. Singing a hymn together is an uplifting experience.

None of this can be replaced by an online experience.

This past Sunday we welcomed over 70 people in the sanctuary! If you were not among them, I challenge you to examine your reasoning. I promise you that coming to church is the perfect antidote for POS.

So, dust off the duds set your alarm, and join us on Sunday. We need you, the Church needs you, but most importantly…You need Us!

“God is here! As we your people meet to offer praise and prayer.”
Amen and Praise the Lord!

Jack Hill
Minister of Music