
Jack Hill
October 18, 2020

I am glad to have a moment to speak on Stewardship.  The continuous support of so many individuals to the life of our church over the years is truly inspiring.  The many of you who continue to support this vibrant church now, and so many departed souls, who over the past 300 years have been faithful to this congregation maintaining this beautiful and committed church, deserve undying thanks.

Abilities connotes several thoughts.  First, how do we individually access our ability to give to the church.  As we all know, there are many ways to provide support to the church.  Money is likely the first thing we think about.  Money is important.  Without it this beautiful sanctuary would not exist, nor would we be able to point to our long history.  Each individual needs to prayerfully discern what they believe is appropriate to give financially. Life offers many challenges and navigating them is a difficult task.  Knowing that our church is a constant is a welcome antidote however complacency should never become a part of our thinking.  Whatever this church and congregation means to you, ask yourself how you would feel if it ceased to exist.  This may assist you in addressing your level of commitment to our ongoing ministry.

Yet there are other ways.  Abilities also can be what we have to offer in time and talents.  This church is fortunate to have many committed people who serve the church and community in myriad ways.  We all have strengths and abilities which we can give to the church.  Whether it be carpentry, electrical, cooking, singing, financial planning, the list could go on and on…

These abilities should be in our mind when we think stewardship and what we can give. As you contemplate each year what you will give in monetary gifts, do you also think what more of my self can I give?  Can I give one more hour a week to one of our ministries? There is no limit to what we can accomplish.  We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.

Jesus wants our best!

I challenge each one of us to remember this as we contemplate our future commitment to this church. 300 years is an incredible milestone.  Let’s cast out the despair of the past months and march into 2021 with our heads held high knowing and proclaiming that each one of us is committing the best of our abilities to our church, The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury, and all it represents now and in the future. Let us be a beacon of hope by how we show our support!

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love!