Lent Cross, Palm branches, nails

How often do you hear people ask, “what are you giving up for Lent?” Most of us by now realize how much more important it is to take on things, not give things up. Now, we aren’t talking about chocolate or any other food, we’re talking about taking on ministries, studies and an enhancement of church relationships.

So, what are we doing as Christian Education and Worship?
Let’s take a look:

  • Lenten Sunday School classes began February 16th
  • Ash Wednesday Service at our church on February 26th at 7:00 pm
  • Dinner and Lenten Bible Study for adults and youth on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 pm starting March 4th. In order to help cover the cost of the book and six dinners we are asking for a one-time donation of $10.00. If you have any questions please see me.
  • The annual Lenten Service project – Hygiene Kits will begin March 1st with the collection of toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant etc. The kits will be packed on Palm Sunday April 5th.
  • Need donations for flowers in the Sanctuary. Sign up in the Chapel.
  • The Women’s Retreat at Johnsonburg is April 17-19 see poster in Chapel, if you have any questions please see me.

So, as you can see it is quite a schedule but I encourage all to look at these as wonderful opportunities to not only grow as individuals but to foster a new, deeper relationship with one another as we serve God.

Kristen Franchetti Christian Education Coordinator