For the first third of the 2019 year, the following gifts were given:
- $1,733 for Easter Offering:
- This money helps provide scholarship money for our youth to attend camps and conferences.
- $652 for One Great Hour of Sharing:
- The Presbyterian Church (USA) uses this money to help support people in need of emergency assistance.
- $2,818 for the Deacon’s Fund:
- This money is used by the Deacons for a variety of needs and projects both local and national.
- $724 for Souper Bowl of Caring:
- This money was sent to G.W.C.M. Food Pantry.
- $1,891 for Community Dinners Fund:
- This money is used to provide food for the Dinners served at our church the second Thursday of each month.
- $161 for 2¢-a-Meal:
- This money is also sent to the G.W.C.M. Food Pantry.