I read this and think this is relevant to our church. This is from an article by Anne McNair in The Presbyterian Outlook magazine.

What is the relationship between music and mission? I believe they are closely related. God has given humanity the wondrous ability to create beautiful and powerful music.  Throughout the Bible we are instructed to “sing a new song” and to play instruments to God’s glory. During Sunday worship, throughout the church at large, members of the choir and  congregation raise their collective voices in song to offer praise, glory and honor to God. Stirring organ music or other instrumental music, along with Word and Sacrament, inspire us to leave our sanctuaries of worship and to go into the world to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to tend the sick and to visit the prisoner. As we sing powerful hymns, we often find a new resolve to help the “least of these.” With music, in the context of a worship service, the Holy Spirit often inspires us to play our respective roles in God’s mission to provide both  spiritual and physical sustenance for all of God’s children.”

Jack Hill
Minister of Music