The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury
September 26, 2021
18th Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 am
GREETING AND OPENING HYMN No. 8 Eternal Father Strong to Save
1 Eternal Father, strong to save,
whose arm has bound the restless wave,
who bade the mighty ocean deep
its own appointed limits keep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.
2 O Savior, whose almighty word
the winds and waves submissive heard,
who walked upon the foaming deep,
and calm amid its rage did sleep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.
3 O Holy Spirit, who did brood
upon the chaos wild and rude,
and bade its angry tumult cease,
and gave, for fierce confusion, peace:
O hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.
4 O Trinity of love and power,
all travelers guard in danger’s hour;
from rock and tempest, fire and foe,
protect them wheresoe’er they go;
thus evermore shall rise to thee
glad praise from air and land and sea.
Eternal God, you are the power behind all things: behind the energy of the storm, behind the heat of a million suns. Eternal God you are the power behind all minds: behind the ability to think and reason, behind all understanding of the truth. Eternal God, you are the power behind the cross of Christ: behind the weakness, the torture and the death, behind unconquerable love. Eternal God, we worship and adore you. Amen
PRELUDE Song of Hope Lani Smith
How lovely Lord, how lovely is your abiding place, my soul is longing, fainting to feast upon your face.
The sparrow finds a shelter, a place to build her nest; and so your temple calls us within its walls to rest.
HYMN No. 291 Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness
Spirit, spirit of gentleness,
blow through the wilderness, calling and free.
Spirit, spirit of restlessness,
stir me from placidness,
wind, wind on the sea.
1 You moved on the waters;
you called to the deep;
then you coaxed up the mountains
from the valleys of sleep;
and over the eons
you called to each thing,
“Awake from your slumbers
and rise on your wings.” (Refrain)
2 You swept through the desert;
you stung with the sand;
and you goaded your people
with a law and a land.
When they were confounded
with idols and lies,
then you spoke through your prophets
to open their eyes. (Refrain)
3 You sang in a stable;
you cried from a hill;
then you whispered in silence
when the whole world was still.
And down in the city,
you called once again
when you blew through your people
on the rush of the wind. (Refrain)
4 You call from tomorrow;
you break ancient schemes;
from the bondage of sorrow
the captives dream dreams.
Our women see visions;
our men clear their eyes.
With bold new decisions
your people arise. (Refrain)
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But, if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In humility and faith let us confess our sin to God.
Merciful God, you pardon all who truly repent and turn to you. We humbly confess our sins and ask your mercy. We have not loved you with a pure heart, nor have we loved our neighbor as ourselves. We have not done justice, loved kindness, or walked humbly with you, our God. Have mercy on us O God, in your loving kindness. In your great compassion, cleanse us from our sin. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Do not cast us from your presence, or take your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and sustain us with your bountiful Spirit.
(Silent prayer)
Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that you are forgiven, and be at peace. Amen
RESPONSE No. 353 v, 2
When darkness seems to hide his face, I rest on his unending grace; In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil. On Christ the solid Rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
ANTHEM Come Thou Fount Arr. Craig Courtney
SCRIPTURE READING Lori Wadding John 6: 16-21
SERMON Do Not Be Afraid
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen
*HYMN No. 192 Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining
1 Lord, the light of your love is shining,
in the midst of the darkness, shining;
Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us;
set us free by the truth you now bring us.
Shine on me; shine on me.
Shine, Jesus, shine;
fill this land with the Father’s glory.
Blaze, Spirit, blaze;
set our hearts on fire.
Flow, river, flow;
flood the nations with grace and mercy.
Send forth your word, Lord,
and let there be light.
2 Lord, I come to your awesome presence,
from the shadows into your radiance;
by the blood I may enter your brightness.
Search me; try me; consume all my darkness.
Shine on me; shine on me. (Refrain)
3 As we gaze on your kingly brightness,
so our faces display your likeness;
ever changing from glory to glory,
mirrored here may our lives tell your story.
Shine on me; shine on me. (Refrain)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen
RESPONSE No. 609 Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow
Praise God, from whom all blessing flow, Praise God, all creatures here below. Alleluia, Alleluia Praise God in Jesus fully know; Creator, Word and Spirit one. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia
HYMN No. 22 God of the Sparrow
1 God of the sparrow
God of the whale
God of the swirling stars
How does the creature say Awe
How does the creature say Praise
2 God of the earthquake
God of the storm
God of the trumpet blast
How does the creature cry Woe
How does the creature cry Save
3 God of the rainbow
God of the cross
God of the empty grave
How does the creature say Grace
How does the creature say Thanks
4 God of the hungry
God of the sick
God of the prodigal
How does the creature say Care
How does the creature say Life
5 God of the neighbor
God of the foe
God of the pruning hook
How does the creature say Love
How does the creature say Peace
6 God of the ages
God near at hand
God of the loving heart
How do your children say Joy
How do your children say Home