The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury is proud of its long tradition of excellent church music. Music is a central part of any worship service. The church boasts a beautiful 35-rank, three-manual Schantz Organ. This organ was installed in 1957 with major additions and modernization completed in 1990. The organ is beautifully maintained and is one of the finest instruments in Southern New Jersey. Recently, the church purchased a new 6-foot Boston Grand Piano, which adds to the variety of musical choices for services and other musical events.

The church is also proud of its Adult Choir. This august group of 14 singers continues a tradition of providing and leading music for Sunday worship and for special services throughout the church year. This is a volunteer group that always welcomes new members. There is no audition, only the willingness to serve. The age group spans high school through retirement age. Several members of this group have been singing as part of the church Choir for over 50 years. The Choir rehearses each Sunday during the year at 8:45 A.M. in the Choir Room.

The Children’s Choir is a group of 6-10-year-olds who rehearse each Sunday morning after the worship service. They provide music during the year in worship and for special services at Christmas and for Mother’s Day. All children are welcome. Rehearsals are upstairs in the Church School wing in the Choir Room each Sunday at 10:45 A.M.

Each spring the Seraph Choir meets. This is a special Choir for 4, 5 & 6 year-olds. They sing during a worship service in June. This Choir allows these children an opportunity to be introduced to the church Choir program.

If you would like more information on any of our Choirs, contact the Minister of Music, Jack Hill, at [email protected] or click here to contact us.