5 Items

2-cents-A-Meal Donations

by Kathi Lynch

2¢-A-Meal collections were $388 for the May collection. All collected goes to the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries Food Pantry. THANK YOU!! [May 4, 2023] 2¢ A MEAL collection will take […]

GWCM Donations Needed

by Kathi Lynch

We need boxed mashed potatoes, packaged stuffing, canned or jars of gravy, icing for cakes, and canned cranberry sauce for our Thanksgiving Baskets in November. Donations can be brought to […]


by Kathi Lynch

A Choral Evensong Service will be held at the Christ Episcopal Church in Woodbury to honor the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries and its Volunteers on their 25 years of service […]

GWCM Food Bank

by Kathi Lynch

GWCM FOOD BANK is one of the missions the Presbyterian Church at Woodbury supports. In June, during our worship service, we heard all about this great organization. Here is a […]

Mardi-Bras: Thank You!

by Kathi Lynch

June 7, 2022 The Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries thanks you for your generosity and kindness. Our church has contributed 11 bras and $285 to the GWCM Mardi-BRA drive. April 21, […]