It has finally happened after fifteen years; the Presbytery for Southern New Jersey has finally increased the membership per capita for the new year. The Per Capita Distribution for 2025 is as follows:
General Assembly $10.44
Synod $4.25
Presbytery $25.31
Total $40.00 per person
What is per capita?
Per capita funding is how Presbyterians mutually share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirit’s leading for the future. It is how Presbyterians are trained to become better elders and ministers. It is how Presbyterians discern God’s call in their lives. It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the wider church by serving on GA, Synod and Presbytery committees and commissions. It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the Church universal as we commit ourselves to work and live in fellowship with “all persons in every nation” (Book of Order, G-4.0101).
The Westminster Confession says, “all believers, are therefore, under obligation to sustain the ordinances of the Christian religion where they are already established, and to contribute by their prayers, gifts, and personal efforts to the extension of the Kingdom of God throughout the whole earth” (6.058). Per capita is a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 10,000 congregations and governing bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are connected and participate in the work of the wider church. Because it is rooted in the connectional and covenantal nature of the Presbyterian Church, as affirmed by the ordination vows taken by elders and ministers of the Word and Sacrament, per capita could be called the Presbyterian Covenant Community Fund. Please remit the forty dollars per member to the church during January.