How long will Rev. Dr. Oehler be gone?
Phil will leave after Sunday, May 4 and will return to the church on Sunday, August 31. He will be gone for 16 weeks: 2 week of vacation, 2 weeks of study leave and 12 weeks of sabbatical time.
Who will cover Rev. Dr. Oehler’s responsibilities during his sabbatical?
In cooperation with the Presbytery FOR Southern New Jersey, the Session will contract with Rev. Nikki Passante (a Presbyterian minister of the Presbytery for Southern New Jersey) to provide worship leadership on communion Sundays and pastoral care with the staff, deacons, elders and trustees, as needed, while Phil is gone. Elder Milt Fredericks will fill the pulpit most Sundays. The Session will continue to bear primary administrative authority through the church taskforces.
Who will pay for the sabbatical?
The sabbatical expenses have been covered through budget line items, professional expense and grants from the PC(USA).
What if a question or concern arises while Rev. Dr. Oehler is gone?
The church staff will serve as a “clearinghouse” for questions or concerns. Ultimately, the church Session will exercise the authority to resolve all issues concerning parish life with the help of Rev. Nikki Passante.
Will Rev. Dr. Oehler be in contact with the Presbyterian Church at Woodbury during his sabbatical?
An important part of a sabbatical is to make a complete break from things. The only person who will be in direct contact with Phil while he is away will be his family. In the unlikely event that some extraordinary news absolutely must be communicated to Phil, the Clerk of Session will deliver that information.
What happens upon Rev. Dr. Oehler’s return from sabbatical?
He will lead a church-wide study on the theology of “Pilgrimage” using John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” and share his experiences from the time of pilgrimage during his sabbatical.