Giving Sunday is October 30, 2022 this year.

On that day, we will seek to meet the challenges before us by gathering up our pledges, blessing them, and then celebrating by a reception in the chapel following the worship service.

Original post: October 5, 2022

Greetings, grace, and peace!

Who in the world would have ever guessed we would have two years like those we have just been through? Who in the world would have guessed that The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury would have come through these times so beautifully, and with such creativity?

We hope you will join us in giving thanks to God for our leadership, especially the Deacons, Trustees, and Elders. Let us not forget our staff: Jack, Milt, Ryan, Kathi, Kristen, Jan, and Phil. Nobody worked harder than they did to successfully provide worship online, pastoral care, Christian education, beautiful music, Zoom meetings, and a gradual return to a more normal feeling for our shared ministry. No church is more blessed in their lay and pastoral leadership than ours!

Probably every organization you are a part of has already said to you, your financial support means more now than ever to keep this flexibility, creativity, and faithfulness alive and thriving in the year to come. Our goal is clear: Increasing our 2023 Pledged donations by $15,000 to $ 268,000 from the 2022 Pledged Donation amount of $253,000.

Giving Sunday is October 30, 2022 this year. On that day, we will seek to meet the challenges before us by gathering up our pledges, blessing them, and then celebrating with a reception in the chapel following the worship service.

Before then, we hope you will take your pledge card and place it somewhere prominent in your home. Whenever you see it, ask God to help you discern your pledge for the coming year. And as you do, consider praying this prayer:

Great One, for you the floods clap, for you the hills sing. You know my situation better than anyone. Take my credits and debits, ins and outs, pluses and minuses, surpluses and lacks, and show me how to use them to join the great chorus of Creation. Amen

For all that we have already accomplished together during this challenging season, for all that we will accomplish together in the future, thank God and thank you. See you soon — and until then, let us be together for joy.

In faith,
Your Giving Campaign Team