Stories are important. We share stories with family and friends on a regular basis. We enjoy reading stories. We watch movies that tell grand stories. We, also, all have a money story, whether we recognize it or not. Perhaps we are living from a story of fear or shame or guilt. Or a story that our actions won’t have an impact. Or a story that we don’t have enough.
Where might God be speaking a new narrative into the limited ones we have told ourselves? Often, to speak of money is to invite tension into the room. We so quickly want to avoid it. But we can reframe this. Money and possessions are one of the most common topics in scripture, and Jesus talked about money more than faith and prayer. Our money story, therefore, is a spiritual story.
Over the next weeks, we will discern and share our money story. We must trust that our money story is valuable and redeemable. The hope is that through this season of reflection and sharing we gain clarity, seek healing, and release what has been suppressed or hidden away. Our narratives and beliefs shape our actions, as individuals and as a church family. Ultimately, my hope is that
these four weeks will inspire us to give more faithfully of our time, talents, and treasures and bring forth God’s money story of
liberation and healing for all.
- Oct. 24: Release Matt19:16-22: A wealthy man seeks eternal life
- Oct. 21: Reimagine Mark 12:38-44: The widow’s mite
- Nov. 7: Restore John 21:1-14: Jesus appears to the disciples
- Nov 14: Commitment Sunday
Please join us as we begin sharing God’s money story and are reminded of the Lord’s gracious gifts!