May 30, 2021
As of May 30, 2021, the Session has reduced restrictions for events at the Presbyterian
Church at Woodbury based upon CDC and NJ State guidance due to Covid-19. The Session
has approved use of the building with the following criteria, in order to protect the health
of all who attend worship and other official church functions. The church has adopted the
following guidelines based upon CDC recommendations and approved practices from the
Presbytery FOR Southern New Jersey as of May 19, 2021:
- Masks will be required for everyone (two-years old and up) entering the church and must
be worn at all times in the building. Guests will register attendance with ushers and prayer
list will be available to add concerns. - Hand sanitizer will be available for all to use as they come into the church and
throughout the building. - Bulletins will be available, and the order of service should be taken out with the
worshiper at the end of service. - Only every other pew will be open; the others will be taped off for appropriate social
distancing. - Those sitting in the pews must keep at least 6 feet distance to the next person, unless
from the same household. - Shaking hands, physical contact and hugging are discouraged at this time.
- Based upon CDC guidelines, community singing and liturgical responses will be
permitted for fully vaccinated and masked worshippers. - There will be Nursery available during worship for those younger than five-year old–
with fully vaccinated and masked volunteers. - There will be no collection of tithes and offerings during the service by ushers, please
deposit offering in plate at the end of the service on your way out, mail gifts to church office
or use e-payment through the church website. - There will be fellowship time following worship with social distancing and masks in the
Chapel. This time of visitation will be approximately 15-minute limit prior to Sunday School - The above protocols will be reviewed in September and Session will also consider outside
groups, as well.
We look forward to welcoming all who want to join us on Sunday morning and for other
official church events. The building will be open at 9:00 am and worship will begin at
9:30 am.
Approved by Session on July 20, 2020
Approved by WJP on July 29, 2020
Reopen Date on September 20, 2020
Updated Version May 30, 202