What a year it has been in the world of Education. Whether it be preschool, day care, public or parochial, zoom versus in person, adult classes or Church Sunday School; all the challenges of the past 14 months or so have created roadblocks and challengers we never thought we would have to face. But it became a must to take on these challenges and welcome them as opportunities to help all students in any venue grow and succeed as individuals.
Here, at the church, I tried to keep the younger age kids engaged with a monthly mailing of worksheets, crafts, Advent, and Lenten devotionals. This would provide activities and projects not only for the children but for their parents and families as well. Not having the younger Sunday school classes has not been easy. I know that I really miss seeing them in the church building; and I believe they have missed their teachers and classmates as well. Hopefully, they will all be back soon as we gear towards re-opening church school in the Fall.
The Senior High students have had their own set of things to overcome; especially with all their activities and preparations for graduation. This situation hits home for me as we have a senior and freshman. We have seen firsthand all they have missed out on; especially anyone in their senior year. Many have had to cope with studying for exams, filling out college applications, trying to do college visitations, staying involved with some school activities while perhaps holding down a part-time job as well. It looks as if the return to school will at least be for a month and for the underclassmen a full return to school awaits in September.
We have five Seniors this year on the church rolls; all in different school districts. They are choosing the paths for their future and are readying themselves to begin this exciting new journey. On June 20th we will honor and celebrate these Seniors during our worship service. My hope is that we as individuals and as their church family will continue to keep these young people in our prayers. We invite everyone to come and celebrate them as one chapter of their life ends and a new one begins.
Kristen Franchetti
Christian Educator Coordinator