Hope you can join us tomorrow at 9:30 am on Facebook for our Sunday Morning Virtual Worship Service. Click here for the worship notes and hymns for the service. Also, here is information about the Food Drive our Membership and Mission Task Force has organized on Sunday, July 19th. Directions, what items are especially needed and instructions are in the flyer. Hope you will be able to help provide some food for those in our community.
Below is the link to join our weekly Sunday Morning Coffee Hour Zoom meeting at 10:30 am. It’s a great time to connect with those from our church family whom we haven’t been able to see in person.
God Bless,
Kathi Lynch
Philip Oehler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 07-12-20 Coffee Fellowship
Time: Jul 12, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 3047 8179
Password: 955799
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Meeting ID: 826 3047 8179
Password: 955799
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