The church staff is currently reading a book by Ron Byars entitled, Believer on Sunday, Atheist by Thursday. The title comes from a sermon by Lutheran pastor, Ron Luckey that talked about the struggle of living his Christian faith during the week. It has been a thoughtful read about how we might grow in our faith as followers of Jesus Christ in a difficult world and culture. The author proclaims that “Christianity is a faith in which assembling together on a regular basis is part of the very substance of who we are.” I would agree with this whole-heartedly!! With this idea in mind, involvement in the worship, study and service of the congregation is essential to our faith development. Let me invite you to connect or re-connect with your church family beginning on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. This Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten season, a time to reflect upon our walk with Christ as part of a community. Our Ash Wednesday Service will begin at 7:00pm, and I hope that you will join us as we journey towards EASTER and the celebration of the Empty Tomb!
Professor Ron Byars reminds us, “To sustain faith beyond Thursdays, we look for support from a community that embodies something properly named as ‘the faith of the church.’” The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury seeks to form faith by the traditional Christian practices of prayer, study, service and worship. I hope that you will join us for our 7:oo pm Ash Wednesday Service, our 11:00 am Sunday Lenten Study, our 6:00 pm Wednesday Lenten Study, 9:30 am Sunday Worship and many opportunities for community service through our Task Forces during this Lenten Season!!
In Christ, Phil