We are past Labor Day weekend, which means that technically the Fall is upon us and the school season is beginning in our community. It is a time to return to a familiar schedule of work, education, extra-curricular activities and church life. I would like to use this season for each of us to consider our relationship with Christ and His church. Luke 14: 27 proclaims “Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” Jesus calls people to sacrifice willingly for the Kingdom of God. I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider making a sacrifice of time during the remainder of this year. Please join us on Sunday morning for Worship, Fellowship and Christian Education.

Sunday, September 8, 2019, is for us the first Sunday of a new program year. Lots of things get going this week — from school activities to community events — that will demand we make sacrifices. Rev. David Lose asks us to consider how discipleship and sacrifice will affect our lives and our children’s lives beyond the Fall 2019 Schedule.

“ I’m asking you to allow Jesus’ words in this passage to get equal time, to ask our people to look at the long arc of their lives and ask what is important to them, what they hope for them and their families. Not simply because they should, but because the abundant life and way of discipleship that Jesus both promises and announces also takes sacrifice — not to earn God’s grace but to live into the discipleship life that grace makes possible . This isn’t about our eternal destiny , Friends , God has already taken care of that . This is about the caliber and character of our Christian lives . And , like anything else worth doing , discipleship takes time , energy, work, and practice — in a word, it takes sacrifice. ”

I hope that you will make this sacrifice to continue maturing in your relationship with Jesus Christ and helping this community build God’s Kingdom in this place and time. I hope that you will join
us as we begin the Vital Congregations Initiative with the other churches in West Jersey Presbytery:


  • Sunday Mornings: 9:30 am worship & 11:00 am study
  • September 15 Acts 2:42-47 Lifelong Discipleship Formation
  • September 22 John 4:1-41 Intentional Authentic Evangelism
  • September 29 Romans 12:1-21 Outward Incarnational Focus
  • October 6 John 13:1-20 Empower Servant Leadership
  • October 13 Hebrews 4:9-5:10 Spirit-Inspired Worship
  • October 20 Galatians 6:1-10 Caring Relationships
  • October 27 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13 Ecclesial Health

In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Philip W. Oehler, Sr.