I cannot believe that April is already more than halfway over! These past few months have just seemed to fly by. We came back in January after the holiday and hit the ground running. The Senior High students joined the other students of Wenonah, Atco, and Woodbury Heights Presbyterian on a Winter Camp Retreat. They had a great time bonding together, and the combined groups even won the volleyball tournament for the weekend! It was great to see them build friendships with other teens in our area!

February also kept us busy. In the beginning of the month we had a multi-age group Super Bowl party complete with “Human Hungry Hippos” as one of our games! We had played this last year and it was a BIG hit! This year we even had several kids from Wenonah Pres. join us. The kids really seemed to have a great time together! Two weeks after the Super Bowl party, the Senior High and I closed out the month with the 30-Hour Famine. This is another event that the kids look forward to every year. This year’s event was held at Wenonah. We had five students from our church participate this year. They worked so hard at all their service sites giving back to the communities and making meals for those less fortunate, all while fighting their own hunger! They are truly incredible and I am so proud of them for all of their efforts!

In March, we had our second Triennium Delegation meeting at Wenonah. All the students who will be attending this year’s Triennium conference at Purdue University in July get together for games, planning, and of course, snacks! It is another chance for all the kids, and chaperones, to get together and bond before this summer’s event. It is truly a good time had by all! At this meeting we also collected cereal for the Wenonah food bank. I am truly so excited to experience Triennium for the first time with seven of our students this summer!!!

Some other events that have taken place along the way were of course our Second Saturday Services. If you have not attended one of these services yet, I would encourage you to come out to our last one for this
season on Saturday, May 11th at 7pm in the Chapel. We have also enjoyed two “Quarterly Family Movie Nights” and we look forward to our next one on Friday, August 2nd at 7pm in the air conditioned Rock!

I am so grateful to everyone who has been coming out more to various events. I know it is a struggle with all the other activities going on for kids today, but I truly appreciate all the efforts to make these events a priority for your kids. I am excited for the momentum that we seem to be gaining and I look forward to that momentum continuing through the rest of this spring and summer!

God bless, Becky Schad Youth Director