“The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mark 1:1)
Since we are unable to rescue ourselves, God became a human being, in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, and lived a sinless life. Jesus was sentenced to death, and as He hung nailed to the cross, all our sin and its consequences were placed on Him, and He died. But death could not hold Him, and three days later, He rose from the dead. After this, He ascended into heaven, with the promise that one day He will return and right all wrongs. All who decide that Jesus is who He said He was—the one who rescued us from being separated from God—are made right with God forever, being welcomed immediately and unconditionally as God’s children. This is the essence of the Gospel – the GOOD NEWS.
During Lent, March 10 to April 14, we are seeking to hear that call, and respond to God in thought, word, and deed. To that end, we are focusing on six themes related to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our response to His Good News. More details to follow.