Advent is here! Isn’t that the cry you hear when out in the world amid the hustle and bustle? I think not. Our society is filled with people preparing for Christmas but how much of this preparation involves us preparing for the Christ child? We all know the answer to that question. Christmas begins on December 25th. After our month of preparing we then have 12 days to rejoice. Many miss the point and are relieved when all the fuss is finished
on December… “time to clean up”.
What does it mean to prepare? Perhaps we should focus on creating some quiet time when we can pray and contemplate the meaning of the coming of Christ? Our churches should be filled during the Advent Season. Just coming on Christmas Eve misses the point. Each year we are afforded the opportunity to stop and breathe in anticipation. We all know what happens when we neglect proper planning for an important event. Each year we should approach this season with the same focus and determination we bring to any important occasion in our lives. Despite the triteness, the slogans we encounter this time of year have significant meaning…”Jesus is the reason for the season”, “Keep Christ in Christmas”.
So we have one more week to welcome the season of Advent. I pray that we can be a witness to the community of our Love as Christians and our eager anticipation of 12 days of celebration to come!
“People look east, the time is near. Love the guest is on the way!”
Jack Hill
Minister of Music