As we move toward the Advent Season awaiting the birth of our Savior we also await the first Sunday of Advent-November 26 a day of worship, praise, celebration and joy in our church.
It all starts with the Hanging of the Greens service at 9:30, a service which tells us the background to the many images of Christmas. The church, thanks to our Deacons, will be decorated in the splendor of the season. At 10:30 we will have social time and invite you to help finish adoring the trees in the sanctuary. At 11:00 Sunday school begins and for many it revolves around The Redemption of Scrooge. At noon Christian Education provides a luncheon for all, we have music and singing, crafts and making the Advent wreaths.
On this day the Deacons Toy Drive for the Food Pantry clients concludes and the following Sunday, December 3, kicks off three weeks of Dee’s Alternative Gift Market in the Chapel. This has always been a wonderful opportunity to spread the joy of the giving to just some of the missions our church supports.
In that vein, since many of us are always wondering about gifts for others, how about this for a teenagers, relative or friend. A devotional or scripture based journal. And if you are a parent, grandparent, Aunt or Uncle and have a little one on your list, what could be better than a Christian Bible. If you need some help in finding the right one don’t hesitate to contact me
at any time.
Wishing you, your family and friends a joyous Advent Season.
Kristen Franchetti
Christian Education Coordinator