Giant Rummage Sale

The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury

Best prices anywhere on just about everything!  Come and be surprised!

The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury, 67 S. Broad St., will hold their one day Fall Rummage Sale on Sat., Nov. 4th, from 9 AM to 2: PM.

Our $2.00 Bag Sale is from 1-2 PM.  We offer a HUGE selection of costume jewelry, clothing, shoes & bags, household items, toys, and sundries at low, low prices.

HELP NEEDED: We need man- and womanpower to make this mission a success for our Woman’s Association. Please sign up for:

  • Sorting: Thurs., Nov. 2 (6-9 PM) and Fri., Nov. 3 (9 A.M. –Noon)
  • Selling: Sat., Nov. 4 (8:45-11:30) OR (11:15 to 2). Clean-up is (2-3) on Sat.

Thank you in advance for your generous donations. Items can be delivered starting after service on Sunday, October 29 until Thursday, Nov. 2. No early drop-offs please. No electronics of any kind and no furniture please.

Gail Banks, Chair Person-856-256-1971
Nancy Brower, Publicity- 856-845-1598
The Presbyterian Church at Woodbury- 856-845-1244