A few years ago I wrote an article for the newsletter about one of the real unknown treasures in our church – our Library. I felt, because some time had passed and refreshers are always helpful; and because for many this treasure is still unknown; a sequel was called for. Just as Ron Howard, George Lukas or Stephen Spielberg are credited for being the masterminds behind many of their famous sequels, I would like to point out that the real credit for this one goes to our Director and Producer, the incredible Florence Meyer.
In an age of sound bites, tweets and detailed essays and documents being reduced to one-page summaries; we need to reverse the trend of the avoidance of real learning and the actual enjoyment it can bring. Taking time out each day to sit and read; be it a novel, historical work, mystery, collection of poetry or a biography can not only stimulate our minds, but also help to ease our anxieties. It does so just like taking time each day to be in quiet prayer can strengthen our relationship with God as well as calming our fears and easing our emotional burdens.
Now I know that people can read on line or via Kindle; but I maintain there is something very special about finding a book, holding it and carrying it with you to be a companion when you have a few minutes to spare at a doctor’s appointment, waiting for the hairdresser or sitting in a parking lot to pick up your child from a sporting event or a function at school
You know what else? If you’ve never been to our library you are in for a real treat. Yes, it is a bit small; but there is so much there waiting for you. Just an example of the highlighted books this month are” Heart-songs by Mattie Stephan, Keeping Love Alive as Memories Fade, Henri Nouwen – His Life and Spirit, Simply Good News and Questions God Asks Us.
So stop by, visit this treasure, take pieces of it with you and enrich your life; and when you come back – there will be much much more waiting. Thanks be to God
Milt Fredericks
Lay Pastor of Congregational Care